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22 Pirates Game Night

Written By Julianne Winter 28 Oct 2021
22 Pirates Game Night

Since early in 2020, there have been too many nights spent in for all of us. Quarantining and staying apart were a must there for a good chunk of time.

I'm sure many of you had the thought run through your head "What am I going to do tonight?" to which you gave up, plopped down to watch the latest episode of your favorite show on Netflix, and the evening was done before you knew it. Sound familiar?

Well, what if we had an idea as to how to snaz up your evening tonight? Take it to the next level. What if I told you that there was a splendid night ahead filled with 22 Pirates Red Blend, friends, and a great time? 

Let's talk about a 22 Pirates Game Night!

So first up, you can put together that delicious cheese board for under $50, CLICK HERE to check out that blog post! Let people get there and settle in with a glass of 22 before you settle them in with a cup and some dice.

Once everyone arrives, you're going to want to get everything set up. On a large table with chairs seated around, we suggest the game Liar's Dice. It's a fun game played with cups, dice, and lies! 


1: Non-Clear Cup Per Person
5: Six-Sided Dice Per Person


1. Everyone shakes their dice in their cups and place the cup face down.

2. Peek underneath at your own dice. If any dice are stacked, repeat step 1. 

3. Whoever starts first calls out a number and how many dice amongst all the players' dice they believe have that number. For example, you might say, "Five 2's". 

4. The person to that players left (moving clockwise) will then either up the bid quantity with the same face value, like "Seven 2's" or they'll change to a different number on the die entirely "Five 4's". 

5. Players continue around the circle in this manner.

6. If the current player decides to challenge the prior person's bid, all the dice are revealed to the group. The amount of the number guessed by the prior player is counted. If the group has that amount or higher, the prior player wins and the current player forfeits one die from their six.

7. Whoever loses that round, starts the next round's bidding and the game continues. If that player had lost and had no dice left, play goes to the next in the group clockwise and starts up again. 

8. A player wins when they are the only one left with dice. 

And there you have it! Liar's Dice in a nutshell. You can buy pirate-y versions of the game from retailers, but really you just need a solid colored cup and six dice per person playing. Pretty easy to come by which we love! Enjoy your bottle of 22 Pirates throughout the evening, and make sure to have some backup bottles depending on the size of your group. It is rather difficult to stick to one glass. 


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